Friday, May 16, 2008

Fern & Paul'z wedding!!!!

Da piper laddie playz da pipes!
* pleaze click on da pix to see BIG size!

Da momee of da bride, Janine, & da dadee Ken.

Da flower bean-kidz wait fur da bride.

Oh... here she comez!!!! It's Fernie... & she haz da groom Paul too!

Now here'z da ring ting.

& denz da smooch ting.

Now dat dat iz done, lets go eats some cake!

Dere iz da cuzzin' Jane of momee here.. & her bean-kidz Andrew & Laura. Jane iz da Auntie of da bride.

Here iz one of da 12 cakes dats da momee of da bride made!!! Each tabull hadz its own cake. Dere waz evfun flourless cakes.. so dats people wit wheat allergeez couldz eat too.

Here iz da bride & groom cuttin' cake. Doze bean-kidz are da groomzez niecez & neffewz.

Da weddin' waz sevfun milez up a mountain in Washington State. It waz near da Klikitat River & da Columbeeah River.

Here iz Cuzzin' Jane & Cuzzin' Jim. Jim iz a proff at da U of O in Orygone. Look at doze wild lupinez!

Dere iz da son of Cuzzin' Janine. Dat iz da bridezez brudder, Forest. & dere iz hiz wife.

Here iz da YURT dats da bride & groom livez in. Dey haz an outtuyhouse & solar energee. & a shower dats iz cold.

Here iz a furry happy Fernie bride.. & her purrty momee Janine.

Now evfurry one iz enjoyin' cake & champagne.

Da band waz rockin' & dey waz plugged in to solar panelz.

Finully, da groom Paul soothz hiz sweetie pie Fernie.

I sure hopes sumbuddy hadz some catnip! I waz waitin' hourz & hourz fur someonez to comez home!!!


Black Cat said...

Great wedding photos and great place to live. I think I have too much stuff to live in a yurt and I like my creature comforts too much. What's it like in the winter, is it very brrrr?! :) xxx

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a beautiful wedding.

We never heard of a yurt before, but it doesn't look big enough for all of us so maybe we better not try to visit. We were going to drop by to check for any dinner/cake crumbs the little humans dropped.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Lovely wedding! SS loves the yurt - reminds her of the ones she stayed while in Mongolia. They are surprising warm in the cold weather.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

That's neato. A yurt is kinda like a bean tent huh? hehehe

Willow said...

What a wonderful wedding! My Food Lady loves bagpipes! And she just recently found out what a yurt was and there you have a picture of a real one!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow